Wii nand 4.3
Wii nand 4.3

wii nand 4.3

It provides a way to verify the downloads are not corrupt. If you plan to upload IOSes or RVLs for this table, please ZIP or RAR them.

wii nand 4.3 wii nand 4.3

It originates from the Wii's pre-release name "ReVoLution". RVL is just a prefix placed on the name of WADs of system titles (system menu, MIOS, and built in channels). For a more detailed explanation and technical information about IOS, see the Wiibrew page on IOS While it is not known what IOS officially means, most agree on "Input Output System" or "Internal Operating System". If the IOS requested by a title is missing, the program simply hangs at a black screen. All official software and many homebrew applications specify an IOS to use when they run. All software (with the exception of bootmii) requires an IOS to run. It is the software responsible for controlling the hardware (device drivers), providing security, and performing other tasks such as downloading WiiConnect24 data. IOS is the basic operating software in the Wii. Some come from the update partition of game DVDs, or if not available elsewhere, be extracted from a wii. Many of the files on this page come from NUS (Nintendo Update Servers). This page is for downloads of IOSes and RVLs. If you have a collection that include these missing titles, uploading them here would be appreciated. IOSes and RVLs marked in red, such as IOS40 v2835 are needed.

Wii nand 4.3